The business strategy of Care All Ltd. is to offer a customized solution that can be fine-tuned later, instead of complicated IT solutions. The success of the implementation is depending 50-50% from the system and the adequate implementation methodology.

As a manufacturer, beyond the system, we also provide:

  • complete implementation itinerary
  • quality control
  • and project management technology

Besides, we have numerous industrial standard solutions. The secret of our success is that we share the knowledge and experience we have gained from these with our clients.

Expected results

As the system is implemented, information and analyses from the initial survey of the company help the management to create a more efficient organization.

The most frequent issues that require intervention during the implementation:

Operation that is different from the regulations

It happens almost at every organization when new procedures are implemented. Therefore the management shall be aware of the discrepancies, deal with them efficiently, and tailor policies and procedures to the actual operation. If the actual operation does not meet corporate or legal requirements, a stronger control has to be introduced. Depending on preferences of the executives, our system can efficiently support any approach.

Security gaps

In the majority of organizations data security regulations are in place. However, the survey might identify some loopholes that make room for internal misuse and unauthorized data access. These security gaps are easily eliminated with Andoc.

More than you think

When we create a procedure in Andoc, most of the time it turns out there are a lot more documents, procedures, forks, and participants than previously estimated. Knowing the precise facts helps the management to plan resource allocation more easily. After implementation, Andoc helps executives to see an objective picture of the operation of the organization they lead.

A lot less work

It is typical that surveyed procedures include many unnecessary activities that can be eliminated with the follow-up analysis of statistics and cases.

Hidden risks

With Andoc hidden risks are more efficiently identified because consolidate storage of information accelerates and simplifies data analyses.

Uneven workload

We use the system to make statistics based on objective and immediate analysis from time-to-time, by department. It is an interesting experience, that in many cases people and professional fields that previously seemed hardly efficient perform extremely well, while in case of colleagues and professional fields previously considered the most efficient, further areas of improvement were identified. In case of any situation, data can only be interpreted precisely if we take environmental information into consideration. As operation is made transparent, it becomes possible for “best practice” solutions used in certain areas to be adapted to other fields in order to improve efficiency.

Incorporating executive control

Often, the system revealed that prior to implementation the ad-hoc or constant executive control impacted the organization negatively. It resulted several times in the breach of service levels as well as legal requirements and at times it even hindered customer communication. Andoc provides efficient help to develop executive control.